Little discovery in the laboratory: a new route for 1195-58-0

When you point to this article, it is believed that you are also very interested in this compound(1195-58-0)Product Details of 1195-58-0 and due to space limitations, I can only present the most important information.

Most of the compounds have physiologically active properties, and their biological properties are often attributed to the heteroatoms contained in their molecules, and most of these heteroatoms also appear in cyclic structures. A Journal, Canadian Journal of Chemistry called Photochemistry of matrix-isolated 5-cyano-2H-pyran-2-one (δ-cyano-α-pyrone) and cyanocyclobuta-1,3-diene, Author is Menke, Jessica L.; McMahon, Robert J., which mentions a compound: 1195-58-0, SMILESS is N#CC1=CC(C#N)=CN=C1, Molecular C7H3N3, Product Details of 1195-58-0.

Matrix-isolation photochem. (λ > 299 nm; Ar, 10 K) of 5-cyano-2H-pyran-2-one (5, δ-cyano-α-pyrone) shows complete conversion to a mixture of several ring-opened ketene isomers (6) and a ring-closed Dewar lactone (7), as detected by IR spectroscopy. Subsequent irradiation (λ > 200 nm) causes decarboxylation of the Dewar lactone (7) to produce cyanocyclobuta-1,3-diene (8). Continued irradiation (λ > 200 nm) results in the photodecomposition of cyanocyclobuta-1,3-diene (8) to cyanoacetylene and acetylene. 4-Cyanopyridine (10) was explored as an alternative photochem. precursor to cyanocyclobuta-1,3-diene (8). It was found, however, that 10 does not exhibit observable photochem. under our irradiation conditions.

When you point to this article, it is believed that you are also very interested in this compound(1195-58-0)Product Details of 1195-58-0 and due to space limitations, I can only present the most important information.

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